JAKARTA - The Cianjur Resort Police, West Java, has added a patrol schedule on the Jonggol-Cianjur alternative route to provide a sense of security and comfort for travelers, especially with two wheels increasing until D-1 Lebaran with the aim of a city/district in West Java.

Sukaluyu Police Patrol Head Iptu Budi Yuda in Cianjur Tuesday, said the volume of vehicles increased at night until early morning, where vehicles with the characteristics of going home still chose the Jonggol alternative route to be dominated by two-wheeled vehicles from the direction of Bogor and Bekasi.

"The high number of passing homecoming vehicles has made us from the security post increase the patrol schedule, especially at night until early morning because the Jonggol route is still an alternative route for travelers from Jakarta and Bekasi," he said, quoted by Antara.

To add a patrol schedule, his party coordinates with the police to carry out alternate activities, so that services to the community, especially travelers who pass along the Cianjur route, can be given optimally.

His party noted that 300 vehicles per minute passed on the Jonggol alternative route to West Bandung and so on, most of them had complied with traffic rules by not carrying passengers and excess goods.

"Officers also urge travelers who are tired to rest in the rest areas that have been provided, including at the Cikalongkulon and Sukaluyu Police, or we are tired of using locations that are considered safe or crowded to rest," he said.

For travelers on motorbikes, his party appealed to travel together or in groups to avoid street crimes, even though his party intensified patrols to a number of vulnerable points along the Jonggol-Cianjur Line.

His party noted that although they did not recommend the Jonggol alternative route to be passed by travelers at night because the road runway was damaged, there were minimal street lighting and lack of signs and directional points, motorists were asked to be vigilant and extra careful.

"We hope that travelers who pass by can reach their hometowns safely and safely, we will continue to provide services to the community, especially travelers to D + 7 Lebaran," he said.

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