The Director General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub), Hendro Sugiatno, gave a number of important tips so that travelers remain safe when crossing the Trans Java toll "contraflow" lane during the Eid 2024 transportation period.

Hendro emphasized the importance of maintaining the condition of the vehicle by ensuring that the vehicle is in prime condition and has sufficient fuel when crossing the contraflow lane. If there is damage, travelers are advised to stop at the far left lane and immediately ask for help from the officer service center.

In addition, Hendro suggested that travelers comply with the speed limit set and maintain a safe distance with the vehicles in front of them to anticipate unexpected events.

"Using the contraflow lane requires preparation for a fit body condition and full concentration. If you feel tired or not fit, you should first rest in the rest area or rest area outside the toll road," said Hendro.

This tip is conveyed in the context of an accident that occurred between the bus and two minibuses in the contraflow lane KM 58 + 600 of the Jakarta - Cikampek toll road, which underscores the importance of safety and vigilance during the Eid transportation period.

The application of contraflow on the Trans Java Toll Road during the Lebaran transportation period has been regulated in a Joint Decree between the Ministry of Transportation, Korlantas Polri, and the Ministry of PUPR, with the aim of creating smoother and more comfortable traffic conditions for travelers.

On the way to crossing the contraflow route during the Eid transportation period, there are several things to watch out for:

Vehicle Conditions: Make sure the vehicle is in prime condition before entering the contraflow lane. Check the condition of the engine, brakes, lights, and tires regularly. Also make sure the vehicle has sufficient fuel for the trip.

Compliance with Rules: Comply with all applicable traffic rules, including the specified speed limit. Avoid violating road signs and markings, and following the instructions given by officers on the road.

Safe Distance: Keep a safe distance with the vehicle in front of you. This is important to anticipate unexpected events, such as sudden braking or collisions.

Physical and Mental Conditions: Make sure you are in good physical and mental condition before entering the contraflow path. If you feel tired or not fit, immediately rest in the rest area or rest area available along the way.

Pay attention to Warning Signs: Always pay attention to warning signs and instructions from officers on the road. They will provide important information regarding traffic conditions and routes that must be taken.

Beware of Accidents: Always be alert to possible accidents or other emergency situations around you. If an accident occurs, immediately contact the service center of the officer to get help.

By paying attention to the above things, travelers can maintain the safety of themselves and others when crossing the contraflow route during the Eid transportation period

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