Participating In Free Homecoming, Women In Tangerang Are Happy To Be Able To Set Aside Money For THR In Kampung
Free Homecoming Participants At Poris Plawad Terminal, Tangerang City (Doc.Voi/Jehan)

TANGERANG - Thousands of people took part in the free homecoming program at the Criminal Poris Plawad, Tangerang City. This was also welcomed by residents who celebrated Lebaran in their hometowns.

Susi Indah Sari after one of the travelers admitted that she was happy. The reason is the money that should have been used to buy tickets for Rp. 700 thousand for Solok's destination, Padang, West Sumatra. Now it can be allocated to provide holiday allowances (THR) and Eid clothes for relatives.

"Alhamdulillah, I can give THR and buy new clothes. 700 thousand THR can be used as new clothes for you," said Susi when met at Terimanal Poris Plawas, Tangerang City, Sunday, April 7, during the day.

Susi, who is a private employee in Jakarta, admitted that she was very grateful. Because, one difficulty going home is resolved.

"I'm really happy, mas, the burden to buy tickets is complete," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Poris Plawad Terminal, Alwien Athena, said that the Tangerang City Government program for free homecoming for days had been attended by 3000 participants. The most favorite goal is to lead to Central Java.

"On the day there were 3000 participants who took part in the free homecoming program at the Poris Plawad Terminal," said Alwien.

Follow The Free Homecoming Program, Women In Tangerang Are Happy That The Money Is Buying Tickets Can Make THR Kasih In Kampung

TANGERANG - Thousands of people took part in the free homecoming program at the Criminal Poris Plawad, Tangerang City. This was also welcomed by residents who celebrated Lebaran in their hometowns.

Susi Indah Sari after one of the travelers admitted that she was happy. The reason is the money that should have been used to buy tickets for Rp. 700 thousand for Solok's destination, Padang, West Sumatra. Now it can be allocated to provide holiday allowances (THR) and Eid clothes for relatives.

"Alhamdulillah, I can give THR and buy new clothes. 700 thousand THR can be used as new clothes for you," said Susi when met at Terimanal Poris Plawas, Tangerang City, Sunday, April 7, during the day.

Susi, who is a private employee in Jakarta, admitted that she was very grateful. Because, one difficulty going home is resolved.

"I'm really happy, mas, the burden to buy tickets is complete," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Poris Plawad Terminal, Alwien Athena, said that the Tangerang City Government program for free homecoming for days had been attended by 3000 participants. The most favorite goal is to lead to Central Java.

"On the day there were 3000 participants who took part in the free homecoming program at the Poris Plawad Terminal," said Alwien.

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