The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) recorded 1,418,860 motorbikes in and out of Jabodetabek on D-5 Lebaran 2024 or Friday 5 April.

"For the movement of people using motorbikes going out and entering Jabodetabek on D-5, there were 1,418,860 vehicles and 2,837,720 people," said Ministry of Transportation Spokesperson Adita Irawati, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, April 6.

He detailed the number of vehicles leaving Jabodetabek as many as 753,487 vehicles and 1,506,974 people. This number has increased by 355.86 percent compared to the daily normal period in 2024.

"When compared to 2023, there was a decrease of 14.76 percent, namely 883,974 vehicles and 1,767,948 people," said Adita.

Meanwhile, for motorcycles entering Jabodetabek, 665,373 vehicles and 1,330,746 people. This number has increased by 254.05 percent compared to the daily normal period in 2024.

"Meanwhile, when compared to 2023, 28.43 percent decreased, namely 929,685 vehicles and 1,859,370 people," explained Adita.

The Ministry of Transportation also noted that the number of private transportation of cars leaving and entering Jabodetabek through the Jasamarga Toll Road on D-5 Lebaran was 528,423 vehicles and 2,642,115 people.

This figure increased by 1,014 percent compared to the daily normal period in 2024, while compared to 2023 there was a decrease of 30.23 percent, namely 757,390 vehicles and 3,786,950 people.

He detailed the cars that left Jabodetabek via the Jasamarga Toll Road as many as 333,357 vehicles and 1,666,785 people.

This number decreased by 19.81 percent compared to last year's 415,706 vehicles and 2,078,530 people. When compared to the daily normal period, this number increased by 1,217.55 percent.

Meanwhile, the number of cars entering Jabodetabek through the Jasamarga Toll Road was 195,066 vehicles and 975,330 people. This number decreased by 42.91 percent compared to last year's 341,684 vehicles and 1,708,420 people, while when compared to the normal period, the number increased by 782.90 percent.

In addition, the Ministry of Transportation also noted the movement of 408,318 vehicles and 2,041,590 people using cars out and in through arterial routes.

This number increased by 930.5 percent compared to the daily normal period in 2024, while compared to 2023 it decreased by 24.09 percent, namely 537,918 vehicles and 2,689,590 people.

The cars that left Jabodetabek through arterial roads were 212,659 vehicles and 1,063,295 people. This number decreased by 14.43 percent compared to last year's, which was 248,525 vehicles and 1,242,625 people, while when compared to the daily normal period, this number increased by 1,054.21 percent.

Meanwhile, 195,659 vehicles and 978,295 people entered Jabodetabek via arterial roads. This number decreased by 32.39 percent compared to last year's 289,393 vehicles and 1,446,965 people, while when compared to the normal period, the number increased by 822.98 percent.

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