JAKARTA - The action of the Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution, when he immediately went to investigate the illegal building sites was appreciated by the Medan DPRD.

The deputy chairman of the Medan DPRD from the PKS faction, Rajuddin Sagala, hopes that Bobby's blusukan will continue until the end of his term. So that it is easier to absorb input and complaints from residents.

Rajuddin also suggested that Bobby routinely do blusukan because he can be responsive in responding to all public reports.

"We hope that this community will continue to be scheduled regularly as well as can be done spontaneously when residents are in need of a quick reaction from the regional head. Given that Medan City is densely populated, the area is quite large, so it requires more attention from regional heads. , "said Rajuddin, Thursday, March 4.

In addition, according to Rajuddin, Medan residents are also waiting for Bobby's promise regarding the problem of flooding and damaged roads.

"Medan residents are waiting for the mayor's promise during the last election campaign. If elected, it will make Medan free from floods, free from damaged and potholed roads," said Rajuddin.

He also asked that President Jokowi's son-in-law realize the promise immediately.

"The community is getting safer, more comfortable and job opportunities are becoming more open. This is what the residents of Medan are waiting for. We appreciate that this breakthrough can be realized soon," said Rajuddin.

Previously, Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution's action when he led the demolition of illegal buildings in the Kesawan area was published on social media.

Bobby said the buildings that were put in order were buildings without permits. According to him, buildings in the area should not be changed.

"The Kesawan Medan area is a cultural heritage and must be preserved. Meanwhile, unauthorized persons have renovated one of the buildings there that does not match its original form," Bobby wrote in an Instagram @bobbynst post, Thursday, March 4.

"For this reason, this morning we have dismantled the illegal buildings in the Kesawan Heritage area. This is in line with the efforts of the Medan City Government to preserve historic buildings that are under threat of sustainability in Medan City," wrote Bobby again.

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