KPU Expert Explains 3 Sources Of Sirekap Data Conversion Errors
The trial of the Pilplres lawsuit at the Constitutional Court. (Diah Ayu Wardani).

JAKARTA - The General Elections Commission (KPU) presents Professor of Indonesian Computer Science, University of Bina Darma Marsudi Wahyu Kisworo as an expert to provide an explanation of the problem in the Recapitulation Information System (Sirekap) at the Constitutional Court (MK) trial.

The first problem is in the data collection system from form C1. vote acquisition results at each polling station. The writing in form C1 is read through the optical character recognition (ORC) system for automatic conversion into the application.

"This is where the first problem arises. We know that the movement of writing hands is different, especially since there are 822,000 polling stations whose people are different and write different hands, some are writing good, but there are most of them that are not good, even bad," Marsudi said in a trial at the Constitutional Court building, Wednesday, April 3.

The difference in the writing style of each person in the C1 form is also different. Meanwhile, according to Marsudi, the accuracy rate of the ORC in the sirekap is only around 92.93 percent.

"So, there was still a mistake when this OCR turned the image into a number," he said.

The second problem, continued Marsudi, is the quality of the resolution of the cellphone camera for each TPS officer who uploads a photo of form C1.

"Some have good cameras, some are not good, the resolution is different. As a result, the C1 form can be different. Some have clear quality, some are blurry, some are yellow," he said.

The third problem is from C1 form paper when photographed by TPS officers. When the paper is photographed in a folded state, it will give rise to a difference in interpretation of the OCR system.

"So, these 3 sources why can explain when shown on the web between numbers and the web between numbers and C1 can be different," he added.

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