Information From Criminal Experts Strengthens, Director Of CV PAM Becomes Suspect Of TPPU Perusda West Sumbawa
West Sumbawa District Attorney's Office. (ANTARAHO-Kejari West Sumbawa)

NTB - The West Sumbawa District Attorney (Kejari) has named the Director of CV Putra Andalan Marine (PAM) with the initials EK alias Edwin as a suspect in the 2016-2021 money laundering case (TPPU) for regional company capital management (Perusda).

"We have determined the suspect EK from the results of the case title," said Head of the Special Crimes Section of the West Sumbawa Kejari Lalu Irwan Suyadi by telephone, Tuesday, April 2, confiscated by Antara.

Suspect EK is currently undergoing trial from the main case of corruption in the 2016-2021 Perusda capital management case.

Lalu Irwan bilang, penetapan tersangka berdasarkan salah satu bukti yang menguat dari keterangan ahli pidana Universitas Mataram (Unram) dan dokumen hasil pemeriksaan saksi lain.

"So, from a series of examinations, evidence has been obtained that strengthens investigators in determining EK as a money laundering suspect," he said.

Irwan confirmed that a number of assets belonging to the suspect in the form of land in West Sumbawa Regency had been confiscated by investigators.

"Based on the results of the confiscated documents, it was recorded that this land was obtained by the suspect EK in charge of this land in the 2016-2019 period," he said.

The assets were revealed not only in the name of the suspect, but also in the name of his wife. In fact, the total assets included in the prosecutor's data collection reached 8 plots of land while only part of those that had been confiscated had been confiscated.

"We are still detecting the presence of other assets to be confiscated, all in the process. Likewise with the case file, the investigation is still ongoing," said Irwan.

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