The joint team deployed 1,756 personnel in Karawang Regency, West Java. Where, the personnel are ready to be deployed to secure this year's Eid homecoming season.

Karawang Police Chief AKBP Wirdhanto Hadicaksono said, in accordance with the results of the 2024 Ketupat Lodaya cross-sectoral coordination meeting, the security for Eid homecoming in Karawang will involve 1,756 joint personnel.

"These joint personnel are from elements of the Karawang Police, Kodim, and the Karawang Regency Government. They will be deployed to the Eid homecoming posts in the Karawang area," said Police Chief Wirdhanto quoting Antara.

It was stated that the joint personnel began to be deployed from April 4 to April 16, 2024.

The police chief said that in securing the Eid homecoming this year there are several aspects that will be worked on. Among them are the safety of houses left by travelers to turn off electricity if they leave their homes and are safe when driving.

Another aspect is safety which is expected to have vehicle checks, both for vehicles and public transportation drivers so that urine tests can be checked.

"Later, checking urine tests can be carried out when the departure of free homecoming buses facilitated by the Karawang Regency Government and the Karawang Police," he said.

Then aspects of smoothness, namely road repairs, installation of signs to lighting will be attempted to mitigate the risk of accident.

Sementara Bupati Karawang Aep Syaepuloh mengatakan, rapat koordinasi lintas sektoral digelar sebagai persiapan pelaksanaan pengamanan di wilayah Karawang, termasuk persiapan pengamanan mudik lebaran.

The Regent said that his party will prioritize security for people who will go home so that they can be safe and conducive.

"So we hope that the relevant parties can work on four aspects of securing the Eid homecoming later, namely security, safety, smoothness and finally public order," he said.

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