Gegara Corona, KPU Tinkered Again With The 2020 Pilkada Preparation System
KPU Building (Irvan Meidianto / VOI)

JAKARTA - The General Election Commission (KPU) has begun to tinker with the work system of the election management ranks in the 2020 Pilkada Simultaneously because Indonesia is currently being hit by the spread of the COVID-19 virus pandemic.

Pilkada, which was held in 270 regions, is still being held in 6 months. However, all KPU ranks, both central and regional, have been managing the process of nominating candidates for regional head since now.

KPU commissioner Pramono Ubaid Tanthowi said, in a routine plenary meeting held by the Indonesian KPU, there would be additional technical discussions regarding the implementation of the Pilkada stages. This technique is adapted to the conditions of the spread of the corona virus in each region.

"We discussed the technicalities of working from home. Especially, KPU offices in areas that have been infected with the corona," Pramono said in a short message, Monday, March 16.

He continued, the KPU will also discuss the mechanism for implementing factual verification of support for individual candidates by the Voting Committee (PPS) at the village or sub-district level.

KPU, said Pramono, must guarantee the safety and health of election officials, as well as supporters of individual candidates who are factually verified.

"Because this factual verification is massive, we want to ensure that this process does not become a medium for the spread of this corona outbreak," said Pramono.

For information, the 2020 Pilkada was held simultaneously on September 23, 2020 in 270 regions. Among them are 9 provinces, 224 regencies and 37 cities.

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