JAKARTA - Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas or Gus Yaqut visited the Red and White House of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Wednesday, March 3. He called in his presence to discuss with the KPK leadership.

"Just discussion, discussion," said Yaqut when he arrived at the KPK's Red and White House, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta.

Meanwhile, when confirmed separately, Acting KPK spokesman for Prevention Ipi Maryati said the head of the anti-corruption commission had an audience with Yaqut regarding efforts to prevent corruption within the Ministry of Religion.

"This afternoon the leadership of the KPK will receive an audience from the Minister of Religion and the ranks related to the corruption prevention program within the Ministry of Religion," he said in a written statement.

In this meeting, Yaqut was accompanied by his staff, such as the Inspector General, the Secretary General, the Director General of Islamic Education, the Director General of Haj and Umrah, and Special Staff. The group was received by KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri accompanied by Deputy Chairman Alexander Marwata, Nurul Ghufron and Nawawi Pomolango along with staff at the Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring.

Furthermore, in this hearing a number of issues were discussed, such as the supervision of the Corruption Eradication Commission, particularly regarding corruption prevention as an effort to reduce the potential for fraud and irregularities within the Ministry of Religion.

"The Minister of Religion also conveyed the importance of cooperation in prevention and coordination of the supervision of the KPK given the vulnerability and potential for corruption related to the duties and authorities of the Ministry of Religion. One of them is related to the implementation of Hajj and Umrah," said Ipi.

The hopes and intentions of Yaqut's visit to strengthen the corruption prevention program within the Ministry of Religion were welcomed by the KPK ranks. Furthermore, this anti-graft commission asked Yaqut and his staff to take lessons from a number of corruption cases that have been handled by the KPK in the ministry.

Several corruption cases in the Ministry of Religion were handled by the KPK, namely the corruption case in the procurement of computer laboratory equipment for the Tsanawiyah madrasah and the development of an integrated communication system and learning media for Madrasah Tsanawiyah and madrasah aliyah levels at the Ministry of Religion's Directorate General of Education in 2011; a bribery case related to the sale and purchase of positions at the Ministry of Religion which ensnared the former PPP chairman, Romahurmuziy or Romy; as well as cases of corruption in the organization of the haj pilgrimage and misuse of ministerial operational funds (DOM) that ensnared former Minister of Religion Suryadharma Ali.

"The authority of the Ministry of Religion, especially in the procurement of goods and services that are centralized, such as in the case of laboratory procurement and the procurement of the Al-Quran can be learned and needs to be evaluated. The KPK notes its vulnerabilities in the process starting from planning, budgeting to implementation. The vulnerability is also due to the large amount of authority and control of the Ministry of Religion which covering up to the area, "explained Ipi.

In addition, to strengthen corruption prevention through education, the KPK has and will continue to encourage the implementation of anti-corruption education at all levels of education under the Ministry of Religion as an effort to build integrity. Likewise, to maintain the integrity of state administrators and civil servants through LHKPN compliance and gratification control.

"The KPK also reminded the Ministry of Religion to evaluate and fix several vulnerabilities that have been identified based on a system study that the KPK has conveyed to prevent future corruption crimes," he concluded.

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