LAMPUNG - The South Lampung Resort Police (Polres) has named two suspects in the case of the death of a teenager who was a victim of abuse in a sarong war.

"We have named two participants of the sarong war, namely DAA (19) and F (16) as suspects in the death of Levino Rafa Padila (14), a resident of Kalianda Village during the sarong war," said South Lamsel Police Chief AKBP Yusriandi Yusrin, in Kalianda, South Lampung, Tuesday, March 26, confiscated by Antara.

He explained that the sarong war took place on the public road of Kecapi Village, Kalianda District on Monday, March 18, at around 20.30 WIB. The sarong war between the Kecapi village teenager and the Pematang Village teenager killed a victim named Levino Rafa Padila.

According to witnesses from local residents, the victim was taken to the Kecapi Village Midwife, but the victim's condition had weakened, therefore the midwife could no longer afford it and was taken to the Boub Bazara Kalida Hospital, and the victim could no longer be helped.

"With the progress of the investigation and also collecting the available evidence, and holding the determination of the suspect, investigators from the South Lampung Police Criminal Investigation Unit determined that there were 2 suspects, the initials were 11 adults, and also F was still 16 years old," he said.

He said his party confiscated evidence in the form of clothes belonging to the victim, and clothes belonging to the perpetrators DAA and F, as well as two gloves belonging to the suspect, which were used during the sarong war.

The police chief also explained that the beginning of the sarong war was from a WhatsApp chat invitation from the Kecapi Village group with the Pematang group, finally a meeting took place at an elementary school near the volleyball court and a sarong war took place.

"Although the residents of the sarong war had been disbanded, it continued and the victim was hit by a sarong belonging to two suspects in the chest and head," he said.

The perpetrator hit with a sarong that had been rolled up and tightened as a sarong war in it with nothing, and kicked the victim who killed Levino Rafa Padila.

"So there is no motive, yes, just purely an invitation to a sarong war game. Certain motives do not exist," he said.

He emphasized that the two suspects were charged with Article 76c in conjunction with Article 80 paragraph 3 of the Republic of Indonesia Law number 17 of 2016 concerning the alleged stipulation of government regulations in lieu of Law number 1 of 2016 concerning the second amendment to Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 23 of 2002 concerning child protection into Law, with a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison.

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