JAKARTA - FBI Director Chris Wray said his party had not found any evidence to show that the rioters who took part in the riots on Capitol Hill, Washington DC on January 6 were fake supporters of Trump.

This he conveyed before the United States Senate (US). What Wray Ino has revealed contradicts the baseless claims made by Republican Senator Ron Johnson in recent weeks.

Testifying publicly for the first time since January 6, Wray was pressured by US Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin about whether the FBI saw evidence of the individuals involved in the January 6 attacks posing as Trump Supporters.

"We haven't seen any evidence of that, at this stage, of course", Wray replied when Durbin asked if he had seen any evidence that the riots were organized by fake Trump protesters, referring to comments Johnson made during a Senate hearing last week as an agent provocateur.

Most Republicans on the panel did not accept this conspiracy, but unsubstantiated claims that left-wing infiltrators were responsible for the violent attacks have been promoted by Trump's impeachment lawyers, several GOP lawmakers, and at least one speaker at last week's Conservative Political Action Conference.

On the same occasion, Wray explained that Antifa and other left-wing groups were not part of the violence on January 6.

"We have not, until recently, seen evidence of violent anarchist extremists or people who subscribed to Antifa related to the 6 (January) riots", Wray told the Senate Committee.

In addition, Wray in his testimony also said that the FBI was not aware of any evidence of voter fraud that could affect the results of the last US election. Repeated claims by Donald Trump.

Wray's federal investigative team is currently pursuing thousands of leads, in a dual attempt to prosecute those involved in the January 6 attacks.

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