The unit team of the Jatanras Polrestabes Makassar, South Sulawesi managed to arrest three Mariso Police detainees, who escaped from the cell by sawing iron trellis in a local detention cell.
"This detainee saw an iron cell and then fled by jumping over the wall from the Polsek area," said Makassar Police Chief Kombes Mokh Ngajib to reporters, Antara, Sunday, March 24.
The three detainees, each with the initials MIA (21), MRA (29) and S (23) escaped from detention on Monday, March 11, 2024, at around noon in the morning while guarding the Mariso Police Office was quiet.
After the incident, the officers immediately carried out an investigation. Although they managed to escape for several days, the Jatanras team finally sniffed out their whereabouts and arrested them at their hiding place on Jalan Balang Turigan, Biringkanaya District, Makassar City.
"From the results of the investigation, the detainees who escaped from this cell were arrested on Jalan Balang Derivative. They were taken to the Mako Polrestabes for further processing," said the former Palembang City Police Chief.
From the results of the interrogation of the perpetrators, it was confirmed that they had escaped from detention by cutting the iron in the detention room with a saw, then jumping over the walls of the local police.
Confirmed separately, Mariso Police Chief Adjunct Police Commissioner (AKP) I Wayan Suanda said his party was investigating the prisoner's escape case, including looking for information on who was involved in giving the hack to the detainees.
"Meanwhile, investigators are investigating, coincidentally the case was handled by the Makassar Polrestabes. We are still investigating (who gave the saw)," said I Wayan briefly in response to reporters' questions.
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