JAKARTA - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) recorded that 17,644 residents in Gresik Regency, East Java were still displaced until Sunday, March 24 after the earthquake that occurred since Friday, March 22.
In detail, 6,277 child refugees, 8,833 adults and 2,534 elderly refugees.
"Most of the residents fled not because their houses were damaged by the earthquake, but because of the trauma factor because there were still aftershocks, and there was a tsunami issue from irresponsible parties," said Head of BNPB Disaster Data and Communication Center Abdul Muhari in his statement, Sunday, March 24.
Based on the rapid assessment of the East Java BPBD, the amount of damage caused by the earthquake felt to the Sidoarjo Regency, Pamekasan Regency, Bojonegoro Regency, Lamongan Regency, Surabaya City, and Tuban Regency, of which a total of 2,654 houses were lightly damaged, 1,177 houses were moderately damaged, and 779 houses were heavily damaged.
"The earthquake also caused the damage to schools as many as 78 units, hospitals 5 units, places of worship 156 units, and buildings 8 units. In order to carry out emergency handling efforts in the field, the East Java Provincial BPBD coordinated and sent assistance to affected residents in the form of equipment and food,".
Today, the Head of BNPB Suharyanto left for Bawean Island using a helicopter to directly see the impact of the earthquake and ensure that disaster emergency management runs well.
It is known that an earthquake measuring M6.0 rocked Tuban Regency, on Friday afternoon at 11.22 WIB. This earthquake was centered at sea with an epicenter of 5,74 LS and 112.32 East Longitude with a depth of 10 Km.
Earthquake shocks were felt in Tuban Regency with a duration of approximately 15 seconds. Apart from Tuban, shocks were also felt in other areas, such as Rembang Regency with a duration of about 5 to 20 seconds.
A few hours later, the earthquake shook the Regency again on Friday afternoon, at 15.52 WIB. This aftershock was M6.5 or larger than before. Guncangan also expanded until it was felt in the city of Surabaya. This earthquake was centered in the sea with an epicenter of 5,74 LS and 112.32 East Longitude with a depth of 10 km.
It was recorded that there had been 238 aftershocks, with the location of 132 kilometers northeast of Tuban. Responding to this, the Gresik Regency BPBD has established an earthquake emergency handling post, which is located in Desa Nekaagung, Lebak Village and in the pavilion of the Sangkapura District Office, Gresik Regency, East Java.
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