Presidential candidate number 1 Anies Baswedan believes the meeting between President-elect 2024 Prabowo Subianto and the Head of NasDem Surya Paloh will not weaken the 2024 presidential election dispute lawsuit he filed with the Constitutional Court (MK).

Anies and his vice presidential candidate, Muhaimin Iskandar, have submitted a request for a dispute over the results of the general election (PHPU) with the aim of the Constitutional Court deciding on a re-voting in the presidential election.

According to Anies, NasDem is still steadfast in supporting his presidential and vice-presidential candidates to sue for the election results. This is because NasDem presented dozens of lawyers to fight for the lawsuit.

"As far as I know, the Constitutional Court has a lawyer, and the secretary general told me that there were 12 lawyers supported by the NasDem Party," said Anies at NasDem Tower, Gondangdia, Central Jakarta, Friday, March 22.

Thus, Anies asked the public not to speculate further about the implications of the Prabowo and Surya Paloh meeting before the Constitutional Court's decision was issued.

"The public will be able to watch later, in my opinion at this time, whatever speculation, etc. It cannot be called a fact, we'll see later on its journey," said Anies, calling it an ordinary meeting of fellow political figures.

"I think it's a good thing when there are figures like Pak Prabowo who want to visit, then the NasDem party as the host, accept and welcome. Yes, something good, something nothing extraordinary," he continued.

This afternoon, Prabowo visited NasDem Tower and was immediately greeted by Surya Paloh. Surya even held a special red carpet on Prabowo's arrival and return and headed straight into the building.

After the meeting took place, Surya admitted that this activity was carried out to maintain the friendship they had made decades ago.

"This visit is a visit to friendship, considering a long journey between the personal and personal relationship between the two of us, friendship for 40 years. So, it is very very natural when I am private and of course Pak Prabowo still wants the spirit of friendship that has been fostered so far to be maintained properly," said Surya.

Directly, Surya also congratulated Prabowo and Gibran Rakabuminh Raka who received the most votes for the 2024 presidential election.

"Of course we congratulate Pak Prabowo and Mas Gibran who have been appointed as President and Vice President elected according to the results of the 2024 election," said Surya.

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