The Tebo Police, Jambi, named two suspects of mistreatment of students with the initials AH (13) at one of the Islamic Boarding Schools (Ponpes) to death.

Director of the Directorate of Criminal Investigation at the Jambi Police, Kombes Andri Ananta Yudhistira, said that on Thursday night (21/3), the police conducted a case title until they named two students as suspects. The two suspects are senior victims at Ponpes.

"By carrying out assistance in the stages of the investigation process until last night, the case was held by naming two students as suspects or children who were in conflict with the law because they were minors," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, March 22.

The Tebo Police together with related parties immediately carried out a reconstruction.

"Today this morning an examination has been carried out and today is in accordance with what is scheduled to be reconstructed together with the public prosecutor," said Andri.

Santri AH (13) was found dead in the boarding school dormitory. Based on a death certificate from the local clinic, it was stated that the victim died from being electrocuted.

On Monday (20/11/2023), AH's grave was demolished to investigate the cause of death by the police.

The autopsy was approved by the family in the interest of disclosing the case. On December 6, 2023, the results of the autopsy were different from the doctor's statement at the clinic when he issued a statement on the death of student AH.

Regarding this case, the Jambi Police confirmed that the process of disclosing the case of the death of students in Tebo would continue.

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