JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office (AGO) blocked assets in the form of land belonging to the suspect Adam Rahmat Damiri, who is a former President Director of PT Asabri. So, soon, the land assets will be confiscated.

"There are several points of land and buildings", said the Investigation Director of the Junior Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus) Febrie Adriansyah to reporters, Wednesday, March 3.

From the results of the provisional data collection, Febrie said that the land and buildings that had been blocked were not entirely in the name of Adam Rahmat Damiri. This is because many certificates are found using the ownership names of family members.

"There are many from the family", he said.

On the other hand, investigators will resume tracing the assets belonging to the suspects next week. So far, investigators are still focused on blocking several assets.

"It is still in the process of data collection, so there is still a data collection of informant sources that are detailed today. So the children investigation will probably move on Monday", he said.

For information, in this case, the Attorney General's Office has named nine suspects in the alleged corruption case of PT Asabri.

Two former Directors of PT Asabri were named as suspects, namely Major General (Purn) Adam Rachmat Damiri and Sonny Widjaja. Meanwhile, the other seven suspects are Bachtiar Effendi who is a former finance director of PT Asabri, Heri Setiono as Director of PT Asabri.

Furthermore, Lukman Purnomosidi is Managing Director of PT Prima Network, and Jimmy Sutopo is Director of PT Jakarta Emiten Investor Relations. Finally, Heru Hidayat and Benny Tjokrosaputro or Benny Tjokro.

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