TANGERANG - A sad story happened to a father and daughter who had drowned while fishing in Ciracab River, Rancabalok Village, Cukanggalih Village, Curug District, Tangerang.
Victim Achmad Sutryadi (40), a resident of Rancabalok Village, and his daughter, Kaira Juliani Salma (3) went fishing at the scene. Then because the child was too active, Kaira was then caught and drowned.
The victim's father, Supriyadi, was trying to find his son. But unfortunately, Supriyadi also disappeared in the Cirrab River.
After a search was carried out by the joint SAR team, a boy named Kaira Juliani Salma was found dead.
The victim's body Kaira was found with a radius of approximately 500 meters from the scene.
The joint SAR team found the victim's body floating in the waters and immediately carried out an evacuation process to the funeral home.
"The victim was finally found by the joint SAR team this afternoon and his body was immediately taken to the funeral home to be handed over to the family," said the Head of the Jakarta Basarnas as the SAR Mission Coordinator (SMC) in the SAR operation, Desiana Kartika Bahari when confirmed, Sunday, March 17.
Meanwhile, the search for the two victims was carried out by dividing the search area into 3 (three).
The first team conducted a search effort by combing the flow of the Ciarab River using rubber boats up to a radius of 3 KM from the scene.
The second team carried out a dive process at a depth of 4 meters with limited visibility conditions to comb under the water level around the scene.
"The third team made visual observations by land along the banks of the Cirarab river up to a radius of 500 meters from the scene," he said.
As of this afternoon, the team is still searching for one victim named Achmad Sutryadi. Dozens of joint SAR personnel were involved in the search for victims, including Jakarta Basarnas, Tangerang Regency BPBD, Curug Police, MTA SAR, WMI, PMI, and the community.
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