JAKARTA - Hundreds of houses from 2 RTs and a traditional market on Jalan Kota Bambu Raya, Palmerah, West Jakarta, were scorched by fire on Thursday morning, March 17.

According to the records of the West Jakarta Fire and Rescue Sub-dept. (Sudin Gulkarmat), the object of the building affected by the fire was 75 rented plots and 15 houses in RT 14/03, 5 houses in residents in RT 13/03 and Pasar Cemong.

"The alleged cause was an electrical short circuit from the rented fried rice seller. There were no casualties or injuries from the fire," said Head of West Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Syarifudin when confirmed, Sunday, March 17, afternoon.

The fire was extinguished on Sunday morning at 06.30 WIB. The fire was extinguished after water was extinguished by 22 fire engines that were deployed. A total of 110 personnel were also quick to carry out the fire extinguishing process.

"The total loss is estimated at more than Rp. 3 billion. The area burned was 2350 square meters. Meanwhile, 20 families and 60 people were rescued," he said.

The fire burned people's houses and kiosks in a market in the Palmerah area.

"The houses and markets are on fire. Currently, it has been extinguished," he said.

Meanwhile, residents affected by the fire are still at the location looking for remaining fire items that can still be used. The West Jakarta City Government has also prepared evacuation posts for the refugees.

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