JAKARTA - Raden Sadjad Air Force Base (Lanud RSA) Natuna, Riau Islands, provided an area of five hectares for mangrove rehabilitation. Air Base Commander of RSA Natuna Colonel Pnb Dedi Iskandar in Natuna, Saturday (16/3) said the prepared land is located in Batu Hitam Village, Bunguran Timur District. The number of mangroves to be planted is as much as 50 thousand seedlings, planting will be carried out by farmer groups originating from Batu Hitam Village who are currently participating in a mangrove community field school organized by the Peat and Mangrove Restoration Agency (BRGM). According to him, his party will not only provide land, but will deploy soldiers to help carry out nursery, planting and maintenance as well as his party also provide a place for BRGM to provide training to farmer groups. "Thank you to BRGM who has chosen RSA Air Base as the location of a mangrove community field school," he said, quoted by Antara. Meanwhile, the Head of the Community Business Development Working Group BRGM Ir. C. Nugroho said that in 2024 the BRGM will rehabilitate 61 hectares of mangrove land in Natuna. The 61 hectares of the land are spread over six villages and one sub-district. The village in question, Semedang, Pengadah Village, Kelaruk Air Mali Village, Kelaruk Village, North Cemaga Village and Batu Hitam Village.

Planting will be carried out by people who are members of farmer groups. "There are seven farmer groups that will rehabilitate mangroves in Natuna," he said. He added that mangrove rehabilitation in Natuna has been carried out since 2021, the total land that has been rehabilitated since 2021-2023 covering an area of 574 hectares. "For RSA Airbase, it covers an area of about five hectares," he said. According to him, BRGM deliberately chose Natuna as one of the planting locations. The goal is to protect the border area. "Natuna is the leading area, therefore it needs to be planted with mangroves so as not to abrasi," he said.

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