JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo has revoked the attachment to Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 10 of 2021 concerning the Investment Business Sector related to alcohol investment permits. This regulation was canceled after many criticisms of the application of open licenses for the alcohol industry.

"After receiving input from the ulama, MUI, NU, Muhammadiyah and community organizations (mass organizations) and other religious figures, I convey the attachment to the Perpres for the opening of new investment in the alcoholic beverage industry, I declare it is revoked," Jokowi said at a press conference. , Tuesday, March 2.

Responding to President Jokowi's decision, Deputy Speaker of the DPR from the Golkar faction, Azis Syamsuddin, said that the regulation legalizing alcohol investment brought more negative things.

In the future, the government, continued Azis, should prioritize input from experts and community leaders in determining policies.

"The government must pay attention to the impact of these policies on various aspects, such as aspects of community welfare, social, economic, and health," said Azis.

The senior Golkar politician also asked the government to pay attention to and support investments that bring more positive things including being able to create jobs. That way it can absorb the workers who are currently unemployed a lot.

"The role of the Regional Leadership Communication Forum is highly expected, in order to support and facilitate investment in each region by helping facilitate permits and providing a sense of security and comfort to investors and MSMEs," said Azis.

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