Kemendes Kaji Loan Options From Overseas To Develop Transmigration Areas
The location of the placement of transmigration in Simeulue Regency, Aceh. (Between)

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT) will review the use of loans from abroad to increase the budget of the Ministry of Villages PDTT in developing transmigration areas in the country. "We will try to develop in the future transmigration funding from loans or foreign loans," said Minister of Villages for Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (Mendes PDTT) Abdul Halim Iskandar in a working meeting between Commission V of the DPR RI and Kemendes PDTT at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Wednesday, March 13, which was confiscated by Antara. This was conveyed by the man who is familiarly called Gus Halim in response to the proposal of a member of Commission V DPR RI Sudewo to take advantage of foreign loans in developing transmigration areas in Indonesia to be more modern. "If Kemendes PDTT has the concept of developing a transmigration area into a modern area with complete facilities, ranging from health to education that cannot be financed by the APBN and APBD, it can be supported from foreign loans," said Sudewo.

According to him, the Kemendes PDTT should have a large budget to maximize development in underdeveloped villages, areas, and transmigration areas. He also assessed that village development, disadvantaged areas, and transmigration areas are the main keys in maximizing national development.

Akan tetapi saat ini, kata dia, keterbatasan anggaran membuat Kemendes PDTT belum mampu secara maksimal menyediakan beragam program pembangunan desa, daerah tertinggal dan area transmigrasi.Ia menambahkan, dengan bantuan pinjaman dari luar negeri pembangunan infrastruktur desa yang selama ini mengalami ketertinggalan dapat terselesaikan."Begitu pula dengan persoalan stunting dan pemenuhan fasilitas pendidikan," ucap dia.Ke depannya, Sudewo berharap pemerintahan yang baru mampu berkomitmen memberikan perhatian yang lebih kepada Kemendes PDTT sebagai pihak yang berperan penting dalam membangun desa.

The same thing was also conveyed by a member of Commission V DPR RI Anwar Hafid. He said village development should be the main concern of the next government because the village is a teacher or milestone in national development.

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