MANOKWARI - In an open plenary meeting to recapitulate the results of the vote count for the 2024 election at the West Papua province level, Alfons Manibuy from the Golkar Party made a brilliant achievement by winning the highest votes. With 41,782 votes, Alfons Manibuy led among other candidates for DPR RI members who competed in the Electoral Area (Dapil) of West Papua Province.

Based on the announcement made by the Chairman of the West Papua Province KPU, Paskalis Semunya, the meeting was also announced that Cheroline Chrisye Makalew from the NasDem Party and Obet Rumbruren from the PDI Perjuangan managed to get a significant vote. Cheroline Chrisye Makalew received 25,309 votes, while Obet Rumbruren received 19,638 votes.

The chairman of the West Papua Province KPU, Paskalis Semunya, explained that in accordance with the results of the plenary recapitulation, three candidates for legislative members with the most votes will occupy the seat of the DPR RI representing West Papua. "We plan tomorrow (Tuesday) to bring the results of the plenary recapitulation to the KPU RI," he said.

In the 2024 election, there were 319,595 people from the final voter list (DPT) of West Papua who exercised their voting rights. The results of the plenary recapitulation also showed that the Golkar Party led with 95,883 votes, followed by the NasDem Party with 52,964 votes, and the PDI-P with 43,951 votes.

The total valid votes from 18 political parties and candidates for members of the DPR RI West Papua electoral district reached 335,280 votes. In addition, the West Papua KPU also recorded the number of unused ballots as many as 57,967, with 811 ballots returned by voters due to damaged and/or mistaken voting.

The results of the provincial-level vote recapitulation plenary will soon be submitted to the Indonesian KPU for the ratification stage for all elected candidates for the DPR RI for the 2024-2029 period.

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