Police: KKB Spreads Hoaxes. Teens Killed By Shot By Police In Mimika
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JAKARTA - Mimika Police Chief AKBP I Gusti Era Adinata stated that the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) through the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) spokesperson Sebby Sambom had spread fake news or hoaxes of a young KKB member who was shot dead by security forces in Mimika Regency, Papua Province.

"In fact, two KKB people who died in gunfire with TNI-Polri officers, and it can be ascertained that both of them are adults. Based on field information, there were two people who died in the incident, namely Ferry Ellas (35) and Heri Yakob Newegalem ( 26), members of the KKB led by Joni Botak, ”he said in a written statement received in Timika, reported by Antara, Tuesday, March 2.

Previously, Sebby Sambom gave information in one of the local online media about one of the KKB members who was shot dead by the authorities, a teenager Yasko Nebekalem (17) during a firefight at Mile 53 PT Freeport Indonesia, Mimika Regency.

The police confirmed that the two KKBs that were successfully paralyzed were Ferry Ellas and Heri Yakob Newegalem.

According to Gusti Era, this was based on the results of matching the faces of the KKB wanted list (DPO) with the two bodies. Not only faces, the attributes of the two actors in the photo are similar to the bodies found at the location of the firefight.

"From the identification of the images, it was found that the similarities between the bodies of the perpetrators and those of Ferry Ellas were based on the matching of the attributes used by the perpetrators, including the clothes used, clocks, necklaces, earrings, body posture and face," he said.

Gusti Era suspected that Sebby had deliberately spread hoaxes about a 17-year-old teenager from KKB being shot to create a negative impression on the TNI-Polri. This is one of the KKB propaganda.

Without realizing it, Sebby showed himself the ulcers of the KKB. Sebby's remarks about the existence of a 17-year-old KKB member prove that teenagers are indoctrinated to become armed criminals.

He questioned if the KKB was in the name of the Papuan people's interests, why could they indoctrinate the younger generation, who is the future of Papua, to follow in their footsteps of brutality.

"There has been a lot of information from the Papuan community regarding KKB intimidation against their children. Intimidation was carried out by the KKB so that teenagers would inevitably join them," said I Gusti Era Adinata.

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