Ordering Chicken Curry, This Workshop Employee Takes Life Even Though It's Just The First Infiltration
Residents make grave pilgrimages at the Menteng Pulo Public Cemetery (TPU), Jakarta, Sunday 22 May 2014. (ANTARA PHOTO-Indrianto Eko Suwarso)

JAKARTA - Unfortunately, the fate of Joseph Sajan (27). The repair shop employee died after the first bribe of chicken curry which he ordered entered the mouth.

An attachment to nuts and almonds buys the chicken curry from an Indian restaurant called Mala at Lumb Carr Road, Holcombe, Wisconsin, the state of the United States (US).

Quoting Metro.co.uk, the case of death of Badminton also brought the Mala Restaurant into the trial process which was held at the Rochdale Coroner Court.

In the previous trial, the judge stated that the chicken curry eaten by the victim did contain almonds.

However, from the police statement, there were no irregularities found in the death ofuringons other than the alleged allergies.

As a result of this incident, the Badminton family reminded that there is a limit to the body's tolerance for food that can make the body allergic. The limitation can even change in life.

Emily, mitigation's younger sister, said her brother did not take her allergies seriously. Despite the fact, She has been hospitalized for eight months due to allergies.

In June 2022, lechery was also confirmed to be allergic to peanuts, tree beans, almonds, and coconuts after conducting a skin stab method test while visiting health experts.

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