YOGYAKARTA Production and sale of firecrackers in Indonesia are regulated in law. Legal rules for making and selling firecrackers can be observed in the National Police Chief Regulation (Perkapolri) Number 17 of 2017 concerning Licensing, Security, Supervision, and Control of Commercial Explosives (Handak).
So, what does the rule say? Let's see the full information below.
For information, firecrackers or firecrackers are part of fireworks, namely single or ordered fireworks objects or the like that can glow in color accompanied by eruptions or not. These fireworks are classified as explosive commercial explosives.
In Perkapolri Number 17 of 2017 it is stated that firecrackers that can be produced and distributed are firecrackers containing more than 20 grams ofCE with a size of more than 2 inches.
The machine in question is a material or mixture that can cause explosions. These ingredients include:
Those who produce and distribute firecrackers must be in the form of a legal entity and must meet the requirements stipulated in Article 6 paragraph (2) of the National Police Chief Number 17 of 2017, including:
In addition, firecracker producers and distributors must also have various permits such as permits for ownership, mastery and storage, production permits, and distribution permits.
Those who violate the above provisions will be subject to criminal sanctions, as stipulated in the Emergency Law Number 12 of 1951. The following reads:
anyone without the right to enter Indonesia, make, receive, have, store, and use or issue an explosive, shall be sentenced to death or life imprisonment or a maximum of 20 years.
The rules related to the crime of firecrackers or explosives are also listed in the Criminal Code (KUHP).
Article 308 of the Law states: "Anyone who causes a fire, explosion, or flood will be subject to a sentence ranging from imprisonment to a maximum of 9 years, if due to an act there is a common security danger for people to know goods. Then a maximum imprisonment of 12 years, if because of this act it causes serious injury to others".
This is information about the rule of law of making and selling firecrackers. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.
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