The plastic bottle used for mineral water has been successfully transformed into a garbage-carrying boat assembled by the Waste Management Unit (UPS) of the Water Agency, Duren Sawit District, East Jakarta, Wednesday, March 6.
UPS officer from the Water Agency, Duren Sawit Subdistrict, Indra Sianturi, said that his party had made two plastic bottle boats.
"There are two types of boats that have been made, some of which have used bottles that are colored, they are four meters long, 1.75 meters wide, another one has not been colored in size, 4 meters long, two meters wide," said Indra, Wednesday, March 6.
Indra said, to be able to assemble one boat, his party spent up to two weeks. The assembly starts from collecting materials in the form of bamboo and used wood obtained from garbage in the East Flood Canal River (BKT), used bottles come from residents' waste banks, then paint colors, thread straps, and glue from the budget.
"The work was two weeks, we did that after we came home from work," he said.
Indra said, to be operational, one boat requires a total of 1,000 used bottles. The used bottles of course come from various sizes.
"One boat consumes bottles of used variation measure with a size of 1.5 liters, 600 milliliters, and 19 milliliters a total of 1,000 bottles," he said.
Meanwhile, this boat has been operating UPS from the Water Agency, Duren Sawit District for one week to help officers comb through trash along the BKT river.
During the operation, the boat was able to accommodate a total of six people. It is targeted that in the future there will be an increase in the number of ships with various sizes.
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