JAKARTA - The National Police Headquarters (Mabes) has issued sanctions for members caught going to nightclubs and drinking alcoholic drinks or getting drunk.

Police Public Relations Division Karo Penmas, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono, said that the two violations were categorized as disciplinary sanctions. This refers to the rules issued by the Police's Professional and Security Division (Propam).

"It is entered a disciplinary violation", Rusdi said in his statement, Monday, March 1.

Witnesses who will be given to members who remain stubborn include, among others, written warnings, postponements of education level and promotion of a maximum of one year, and postponement of periodic salary increases.

In fact, from the heavy sanctions for members caught doing so, namely dismissal of positions, demotion-based transfers, and placement in a special place for a maximum of 21 days.

"The mechanism (monitoring) is through reports from the public and then followed up on the report. And the next mechanism for Propam members to go to the field to monitor the behavior of members in the field", said Rusdi.

Meanwhile, this rule was issued after the shooting case that was carried out by (Chief Police Brigadier) Bripka CS against four people at RM Cafe, Cengkareng, West Jakarta.

From the shooting action, three people died. In fact, one of them is a member of the TNI.

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