Teenager Dies As A Result Of Being Hacked On Jalan Bangka, South Jakarta, Perpetrator In Police Search
South Jakarta Metro Police/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA - Police are still hunting for the perpetrators of the brawl that killed one student on Jalan Bangka 9, Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta.

Deputy Head of Criminal Investigation at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Henrikus Yossi, said a number of witnesses had been examined. Not only that, CCTV at the scene was also investigated.

"We are conducting an examination, because all teams are working now, later we will inform you of the progress further," Yossi said in a short message, Tuesday, March 5.

In addition, his party is also waiting for the autopsy results of the victim's body to reveal the cause of death in the case.

"The autopsy must still be carried out, because this is a case investigation process, which resulted in casualties. This is currently in this case process, including conducting an autopsy," he said.

Yossi explained that the incident began when the two groups agreed to brawl through social media, Sunday, March 3. They agreed to meet in the Bangka area, Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta.

"Well, the admins of each group then informed each other about the planned activity to his friends," he said.

"So from the mouth to the mouth finally friends from these two groups gathered with each other, and then headed to the agreed location," he concluded.

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