East Java Police Chief Inspector General Imam Sugianto stated that the mechanism for storing explosives in warehouses located at the Gegana Satbrimob Subden Jibom Office, in Surabaya, was in accordance with standard operating procedures (SOP).

"Earlier, we have stored some of the explosives in accordance with the provisions," said the Kapolda, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, March 4.

However, the East Java Regional Police confirmed the feasibility of the explosives storage warehouse to prevent the recurrence of the explosion at the Gegana Satbrimob Detachment Subden Jibom Office, this morning.

Moreover, the building used as an explosives storage area has been established since 1951. He said the age of the storage area was also old.

"We repair those that meet the explosives storage standards more," he said.

Not only that, but the evaluation also includes the safest point of placement of explosives storage locations, thereby minimizing the impact on the community.

"God willing, we will try to find other places that are more, the reach is safer from settlements, we will try to do better," said the East Java Police Chief.

Previously, the explosion that occurred at the Subden Jibom Office, Gegana Detachment, Satbrimob, East Java Police, left 10 police personnel injured.

Koorban has now been taken to Bhayangkara Hospital for intensive care.

Based on the results of a temporary investigation by the East Java Regional Police Forensic Laboratory (Labfor), the explosion that occurred this morning was suspected to be due to weather factors that had an impact on the humidity of the storage room temperature.

Explosives fall into the low explosive category, one of which is a bodybodet or a fish bomb.

Explosives in the low explosive category do have exploding vulnerabilities. The Regional Police said that the object was actually about to be detonated by officers.

However, the East Java Regional Police Labfor still needs time to get certainty about the cause of the explosion.

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