Rice Warehouse In Tangsel Burns, No Masks And Water Sources Make Firefighters Difficult
Rice warehouse in Tangsel caught fire/ Photo: IST

TANGERANG - The rice storage warehouse on Jalan WR Supratman, Pondok Ranji, South Tangerang caught fire. The cause of the fire is suspected to be due to the taboos that spread to piles of used goods.

The commander of the South Tangerang Fire Department (Danton), Imam, confirmed the fire. The incident occurred on Monday afternoon, February 4.

"The cause of the fire is suspected to have spread to piles of used goods," said Imam when confirmed, Monday, February 4.

Imam explained that the incident began when the warehouse guard was burning garbage. However, without realizing it, the fire grabbed into a pile of used goods until the fire grew bigger.

Residents who panicked immediately contacted the South Tangerang Damkar. A total of 7 firefighters and dozens of personnel were dispatched to the scene.

The process of extinguishing the fire lasted for 2 hours. Imam admitted that the difficulty was due to the long water source and thick smoke at the scene.

"The masks do not exist, making it difficult for members to extinguish the fire. The water source is far away, making it difficult for extinguishing measures," he said.

He admitted that he could not conclude the loss from the incident. However, he made sure there were no casualties in the incident.

"No casualties," he concluded.

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