JAKARTA - An elderly female pedestrian named Omih suffered injuries all over her body after being hit by a motorbike on Jalan Meruya Ilir, Kembangan, West Jakarta. The victim is still undergoing treatment at Siloam Hospital on Monday, March 4.
"The victim was a pedestrian, the victim is still being treated at Siloam Hospital," said Head of Gakkum Satlantas Polres Metro West Jakarta when confirmed by VOI.
The accident began when a motorbike driven by a young man named Cipto drove from East to West on Jalan Meruya Ilir. Then the motorbike driven by the perpetrator hit a pedestrian who was crossing the road.
"The victim suffered head injuries," he said.
Meanwhile, the Suzuki motorcycle with the number B 3787 FMS driven by the perpetrator was damaged. The motorbike and vehicle documents belonging to the perpetrator were confiscated as evidence.
"The alleged cause of the accident is still in the process of being investigated," he said.
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