AMBON - Sea accident in the form of an overturned boat in the waters of Latuhalat Beach, Nusaniwe District, Ambon City, Maluku caused a resident to die and another is still being searched.

Nusaniwe Police Chief AKP Johan APOtta who was contacted in Ambon, Saturday, could not provide information because the case is still in the process of being investigated.

"The complete data will later be taken from the Public Relations of the Ambon Island Police and PP (Pulau-Pulau) Lease because an investigation is still being carried out in the field and there are victims who died," he said, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, March 2.

Police are still asking for information from a number of witnesses around the scene, including fellow victims.

The Public Relations of the Ambon Basarnas who were contacted also could not provide an official statement.

The victim died named Yongker Diaz, while one of his colleagues is still being searched by a local resident named Yosi Balubun.

One of their colleagues called Mantri Jack survived the disaster.

A total of three residents are domiciled in the Karangpanjang area, Sirimau District, Ambon City. They went to sea to Latuhalat since Friday (1/3) night, to fish.

A number of victims' families said the boat they were using allegedly overturned and killed Yongker Diaz, while Yosi Balubun has not been found.

The victim who died has been evacuated to Dr. M Haulussy Ambon Hospital.

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