Chairman of PBNU Ahmad Fahrur Rozi alias Gus Fahrur appreciated the government of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) who was able to reduce rice prices in a number of areas in the last few days.

However, the National Police's Food Task Force was asked to continue to move in order to maintain rice price stability, especially ahead of Ramadan.

"This is an important and noble task that must be carried out to maintain food stability, ensure the welfare of the community," Gus Fahrur told reporters, Friday, March 1.

In addition, the National Police's Food Task Force was also asked to take firm action against the perpetrators of hoarding rice. This is because their actions are detrimental to many parties.

"We fully support it, don't let anyone hoard rice taking advantage of this situation, don't dance on the suffering of the community. Take firm action against the perpetrators," he said.

Basic food needs are said to be one of the keys to the stability of state resilience. Therefore, said Gus Fahrur, it is necessary to take into account the procurement of upstream to downstream.

The government is expected to be able to restore food self-sufficiency, especially rice. Not only that, but the government must also mobilize all efforts to prosper the agricultural world.

"Hopefully in the month of Ramadan this problem can be overcome by the government," said Gus Fahrur

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