Gus Samsudin Apologizes About Halal Content Changing Couples

The police confirmed that the video makes it possible to change partners, only content. Samsudin alias Gus Samsudin also apologized.

"So I need to emphasize that the viral video turned out to be content made by Samsudin. The goal is only to increase subscribers," said Blitar Police Chief AKBP, Wiwit Adisatria, Wednesday, February 28.

Responding to the viral video, Samsudin confirmed the viral video was his content. But he denies doing heretical teachings like the one that went viral in the video.

He admitted to making the video just for entertainment. He also didn't imagine the content would cause a commotion in the community.

"I have no intention of making a fuss until someone accuses that what is in the video happened in the boarding school, even though it is not like that," said Samsudin, when clarifying via a YouTube account called Mbah Den.

Samsudin claimed the video went viral because it had been cut into pieces, aka it was not shown in its entirety by irresponsible parties. So that the contents conveyed in the content are considered heretical, because they are not fully conveyed.

"I made the video so that people do not enter heretical teachings, deviant teachings, teachings that allow wives to take turns with others. Because it is heretical and it is prohibited by religion," he said.

"While I only provide education that it is a heretical teaching and not good, but there are people who cut my video, and instead accuse it of my teachings and teachings in my hut," he added.

Samsudin apologized for the noise that has arisen in the community in recent days. At the end of the video, Samsudin emphasized that the video was made only for purposes limited to YouTube entertainment content.

"I convey to the wider community that my video is only entertainment, only entertainment for movies or for YouTube content, I also apologize for the noise that occurred," he concluded.

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