BANTUL - Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Central Executive (PP) Haedar Nashir is the guide of the pledge of creed Geoffrey Alain Gerald, a future son-in-law of Susi Pudjiastuti. The plan is for August 2024, Geoffrey Alain will hold a wedding with Susuri's daughter, Nadine Pascale Kai.
The creed was held at the Husnul Khotimah Mosque, Peleman, Tamantirto, Kasihan,
Last Tuesday. Before the pledge, Haedar gave a message to Nadine's future husband that being a Muslim must come from the deepest heart.
Haedar is also grateful that Geoffrey has consciously accepted Islam and is not in a forced condition.
"To become a Muslim is indeed born from sincerity, from within and we are sure for ananda Geoffrey Alain," Haedar said as quoted from the official website, Wednesday, February 28.
Haedar also expressed his gratitude to the extended family of Susi Pudjiastuti who chose the Husnul Khotimah Mosque. This mosque is located in the middle of a densely populated village of immigrants, especially students, who are next to the road to the integrated campus of the Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University (UMY).
Haedar also reminded Geoffrey Alain that being a Muslim has obligations that must be fulfilled. Gradually, Geoffrey has started learning about Islam, including the earliest by learning to read the Qur'an ’an and Islamic law.
"And later if it is necessary for guidance, for example, we have submitted it to Ustaz Adi Hidayat, and there is also Ustaz Fathurrahman, Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership Tabligh Council," said Haedar.
Apart from Susi Pudjiastuti and her extended family, the chairman of PP Muhammadiyah Agung Danarto, Syamsul Anwar, dr. Agus Taufiqurrahman, Secretary of PP Muhammadiyah Muhammad Sayuti, and ranks of PP ‘ Aisyiyah Salmah Orbainah, Siti Aisyah, and Tri Hastuti Nur Rochimah.
Present and reading prayers were the Chairman of the Muhammadiyah PP Tabligh Council, Fathurrahman Kamal. Also present were the Chairman and Secretary of the Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership (PWM) DI. Yogyakarta Ikhwan Ahada and Arif Jamali Muis. Haedar also prayed for goodness in the wedding plan between Geoffrey Alain.
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