JABAR - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) noted that 16 houses were damaged by a tornado that hit Bandung Regency again on Saturday, February 24 afternoon.

West Java BPBD Youth Expert Public Relations Pranata Hadi Rahmat said a tornado occurred in Citawa Village, Tarumajaya Village, Paperari District, Bandung Regency, which resulted in 16 families (KK) consisting of 56 people affected by this incident.

"Until now, 16 houses have been affected by yesterday's tornado," Hadi said when contacted in Bandung, Sunday, February 25, as reported by Antara.

Hadi explained that currently personnel from the West Java BPBD and Bandung Regency assisted by TNI/Polri officers are trying to repair the roofs of damaged residents' houses. In addition, materials flying due to being hit by a tornado are being cleaned.

"We are cleaning up the material of the house flying with the help of TNI/Polri personnel at the scene," he said.

He added that his party is also still collecting data or validating the houses of residents affected by the disaster and it is possible that the number of damaged houses will increase.

"The impact is still being validated, BPBD is still conducting an assessment," said Hadi.

Even though there were no casualties, said Hadi, the public was still advised to remain vigilant because similar disasters had the potential to occur again because they were related to the peak of the rainy season that occurred in March.

"It is hoped that the community will remain calm and also be alert to the potential for this rainy season. What must be watched out for if there is a potential for black clouds to pull over first at least to a permanent building place," he said.

Previously, on Wednesday, February 21, a tornado with wind speeds reaching 36.8 kilometers per hour that hit five sub-districts in Bandung Regency and Sumedang Regency.

The affected areas in Bandung Regency are in Rancaekek, Cicalengka, and Cileunyi sub-districts, while Sumedang districts are in Jatinangor and Cimanggung sub-districts.

Based on data obtained by BPBD West Java, 1,191 houses were damaged by causing 1,228 families to be affected by the incident.

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