BANJARMASIN - South Kalimantan Police took firm action against six police officers who abused detainees at the Directorate of Detention and Evidence because they were caught smuggling methamphetamine. "Currently, six members of the South Kalimantan Police have been placed specifically (paths) in Brimob detention cells while waiting for the examination files to be completed," said Head of Public Relations of the South Kalimantan Police, Kombes Adam Erwindi in Banjarmasin, Antara, Sunday, February 25. The six police officers are Brigadier AP, Bripda NA, Bripda SF, Bripda AG, Bripda FL, and Bripda DP. The six policemen were on duty to guard the detainees when the persecution took place on Sunday, February 11, 2024. Adam explained that the attempt to smuggle methamphetamine-type drugs into suspects in detention cells was indeed the trigger for the act of persecution so that members of the police made a procedural error. Initially, someone came to entrust a food package in the form of three packs of fried rice, three boxes of milk and three snacks to the Directorate of Prisoners and Evidence of the South Kalimantan Police located on Jalan DI Panjaitan Banjarmasin. When checking the food shipments, the guard found two packages of crystal methamphetamine in a snack packaging (snack). Furthermore, six police officers who were on picket conducted an examination of six detainees in the cell who were the destination for the delivery of food packages. However, none of the detainees admitted that the officers were emotional and finally there was a procedural error in the interrogation process. "Members hit him with a police stick so that the victim RRP suffered a broken right leg, the FA cracked his left leg, RF bruised his leg, USA bruised his leg, M bruised his leg, and RP bruised his leg," said Adam accompanied by Iptu Sutaryat who represented the Head of Propam South Kalimantan Police, Kombes Police Djaka Suprihanta. The six detainees who were abused have received treatment at the Bhayangkara Hospital in Banjarmasin. Adam apologized to the victims and their families and promised a strict legal process to be applied to unscrupulous members who were guilty. "The direct order of the Regional Police Chief, members are processed by the code of ethics and subject to sanctions according to the rules of the Police," he said.
Meanwhile, the perpetrator who left a food package containing methamphetamine with the initials RY has been arrested by the Directorate of Drug Investigation of the South Kalimantan Police.

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