Investigating Allegations Of Harassment, Police Will Summon The Chancellor Of Pancasila University

JAKARTA - The police will summon the rector of Pancasila University who is suspected of harassing his subordinates in his office.

The Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Ade Ary Syam, said that the rector would be summoned on Monday, February 26.

"That's right, we will check the Chancellor of Pancasila University, Monday, February 26," said Ade Ary when confirmed, Sunday, February 25.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Public Relations Bureau of Pancasila University, Putri Langka, said that her party had fully submitted the case involving the rector to the police.

"We will wait for the legal process to take place at the Regional Police, and cannot precede the ongoing process," said Putri.

He also said that the Pancasila University respects the current legal process. However, Putri asked all parties not to speculate until a decision is made.

"We also urge all parties to support this ongoing process, which is clear that we are always committed to cooperating in maintaining the best for institutions," he concluded.

Victims Of Harassment Report To Police

An unscrupulous Chancellor of Pancasila University is suspected of abusing two of his employees in the workspace. This was immediately reported by the two victims to the police.

The victim's initials RZ made a report to Polda Metro Jaya. Registered report with number LP/B/193/I/2024/SPKT/POLDA METRO JAYA. Meanwhile, the victim's initials DF made a report to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police. The report was recorded with the number LP/B/36/I/2024/SPKT/BARESKRIM POLRI.

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