JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) reminds the newly appointed regional heads, including the Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka and the Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution, to build a clean regional government without corruption.

"The KPK hopes that regional heads will no longer repeat these corrupt practices", said KPK spokesman, Ipi Maryati, Friday, February 26.

The KPK reminded the new regional heads to uphold integrity and ensure the principles of good governance in running the government.

In addition, new regional heads are reminded to fulfill their promises during the election campaign.

"The KPK invites regional heads to use their positions and powers to make policies that are in the interests of the people, especially during the current pandemic by creating innovations for their regions for the welfare of society", said Ipi.

What must be paid close attention to by regional heads is the gaps in corruption in regional government that must be closed. Among these gaps are related to regional spending, grants, social assistance, including asset management.

Other gaps are related to regional revenues ranging from regional taxes and levies as well as regional revenues from the central government, corruption in the licensing sector ranging from providing recommendations to issuing permits and conflicts of interest.

"As well as the abuse of authority in the process of job auction, rotation, transfer and promotion of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) within his government", said Ipi.

Ipi emphasized that prevention, coordination and supervision programs would be part of the KPK 'assisting' regional governments.

The KPK has a focus on improvements, namely the Regional Budget (APBD) planning and budgeting, procurement of goods and services, licensing through one-stop integrated services (PTSP).

Then Strengthening the Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP), ASN Management, Optimizing Regional Revenue, Regional Asset Management, and Village Fund Management.

"The eight areas of intervention are mapped based on the experience of the KPK in handling corruption crimes and are vulnerable points for corruption that are often carried out by regional heads", said Ipi.

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