LAMPUNG BARAT - Suoh Sector Police, West Lampung Police, again evacuated a resident of Peninjauan Hamlet, Pekon (Village) Bumi Hantati, Bandar Negeri Suoh District, who was allegedly attacked by a tiger, while going gardening.

Suoh Police Chief, Iptu Edward Panjaitan, confirmed that his party and the surrounding community evacuated the body of a resident suspected of being attacked by a Sumatran tiger.

"On Thursday, February 22, 2024, at around 02.00 WIB, victim S (28) was a resident of Peninjauan Hamlet, Pekon Bumi Hantati, found dead, the victim's body was found about 300 meters from the victim's garden in a condition that the organs of the body were not intact," said the Suoh Police Chief. reported by ANTARA, Thursday, February 22.

After being examined by the Bandar Negeri Health Center, Suoh, the victim died as a result of being attacked by wild animals.

"Currently the victim has been taken to the funeral home at the victim's residence, the family has been sincere and refuses to do an autopsy on the victim," he said.

The incident occurred on Wednesday, February 21 at 17.00 WIB, witnesses with the initials B, and S who was the victim's brother-in-law searching for the victim who previously said goodbye to the garden on Wednesday morning at 08.30 WIB.

Then until 17.30 WIB the victim did not come home, so he looked for the garden, when he arrived at the witness location he only found the victim's spray tank that had been damaged.

With panic, the witness reported to the head of the review hamlet and then reported to the officers of Pekon Bumi Hantatiani and the Suoh Police.

"Starting from information on missing persons, Suoh Police personnel went straight to the TKP in Peninjauan Hamlet, Pekon Bumi Hantati, the Sector Police Team led by the Suoh Police Chief immediately joined the residents to search for victims," he said.

On Wednesday, February 21, at 23.00 WIB after the rain subsided, the joint team from the Suoh Police, Forestry Resort, the Sahabat Satgas for the Valley Suoh Animals and WCS partners assisted by residents and the victim's family headed to the vicinity of the victim's garden to search.

"Arriving there, the team conducted a search and at around 02.00 WIB, the victim was found dead," he said.

Previously, the Suoh Sector Police, West Lampung Police, evacuated residents who died as a result of being attacked by tigers on Thursday (8/2).

The victim named Gunarso (47) is a man who is a resident of Sumber Agung Dua hamlet, Pekon (Village) Sumber Agung, Suoh District, West Lampung Regency.

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