JAKARTA - The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of the Republic of Indonesia issued recommendations for 780 polling stations (TPS) to collect and/or re-voting (PSU).

In addition, as many as 132 polling stations are recommended to carry out further voting and/or vote counting (PSL) as well as 584 polling stations holding follow-up voting/or vote counting (PSS).

The Indonesian Bawaslu as a whole issued recommendations for 1,496 polling stations, which can be done no later than ten days after voting day on February 14.

"This recommendation was issued to guard the purity of voters' voting rights and the use of voting rights at polling stations, the purity of ballots at polling stations, and the purity of vote count data at polling stations in the 2024 election," said Bawaslu member Lolly Suhenty as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, February 21.

Lolly explained that the recommendation was issued based on the results of research and examination of election supervisors, as stipulated in Articles 80, 109, and 110 of the General Election Commission Regulation (PKPU) Number 25 of 2023 concerning Voting and Counting in General Elections.

According to Lolly, the most problems that cause the issuance of the recommendation are to accommodate voters who do not have an electronic ID card or certificate (suket), and are not registered in the Permanent Voter List (DPT) and the 2024 Election Additional Voter List (DPTb).

"There are voters who have e-KTPs who choose not according to their domicile and do not take care of moving to vote, there are DPTb voters who get ballots that do not match their rights stated in the transfer form to vote, and there are voters who vote more than once," he explained.

Meanwhile, Lolly said the reason for the PSL recommendation was that there were riots, security disturbances, natural disasters or other disturbances, which resulted in some stages of voting or vote counting at the TPS being unable to be carried out.

Meanwhile, he continued, PSS recommendations were due to riots, security disturbances, natural disasters, or other disturbances which resulted in all stages of voting and/or vote counting not being carried out.

Therefore, Lolly reminded that the deadline for implementing PSU, PSL, and PSS is February 24, 2024.

As of Wednesday, the KPU has set 542 PSU schedules, 65 PSL schedules, and 175 PSS schedules.

Regarding the supervisory strategy, Lolly said it was done in accordance with their respective authorities and the provisions of the legislation, both procedural compliance, logistical availability, data accuracy, as well as special provisions regarding the procedures for PSU, PSL, and PSS.

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