JAKARTA - The Cartenz Peace Operations Task Force arrested a member of the Armed Criminal Group (KKB), Alenus Tabuni alias Kobuter. The arrest was carried out in front of the Ilaga District Health Center, Puncak Regency, Papua, Sunday, February 18.
"Securing one KKB member, namely, Alenus Tabuni alias Kobuter in front of the Ilaga District Health Center when joining a group of people who were standing in front of the puskesmas," said Head of Damai Cartenz Operations, Kombes Faizal Ramadhani in his statement, Tuesday, February 20.
In addition, the Head of the Cartenz Peace Operations Public Relations Task Force, AKBP Bayu Suseno, said that the arrest of Alenus Tabuni alias Kobuter began when several members were monitoring conditions in the capital Ditsrik Ilaga.
At that time, information was obtained about the whereabouts of Alenus Tabuni alias Kobuter who was walking towards the puskesmas.
"Our members immediately went to a group of people who were standing in front of the puskesmas and securing the KKB members," he said.
"Currently, the person concerned has been detained at the Puncak Police for further investigation," continued Bayu.
On the other hand, Bayu asked the public to participate in reporting suspicious activities from the KKB. Thus, security and in Papua can be guaranteed.
"Stukung aparat keamanan dalam memberikan jaminan keamanan di kabupaten puncak dan juga kontribusi masyarakat pada upaya pencegahan kriminalitas demi terciplinya Kabupaten Puncak yang aman dan damai," kata Bayu.
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