BANDUNG - Acting Governor of West Java Bey Kalioni Machmudin asked the public to calm down and not to hoard, because rice stocks for West Java are guaranteed to be safe. "We have checked the availability of rice (at the Gedebage Main Market), first, people don't need to panic because rice is there. In the rice market there is also Bulog, so there is no need to hoard," Bey said in a statement in Bandung, Antara, Tuesday, February 20. According to Bey, the stock in Bulog reaches 57 thousand tons, and it is confirmed that it will increase through the supply of imported rice that enters through Patimban Port, Subang, West Java, as much as 22 thousand tons. "The SPHP rice from Bulog has also entered the retail markets, so there is availability, people don't panic, buy if necessary and," he said. The West Java Provincial Government itself, said Bey, together with districts/cities continue to work with Bulog and Bank Indonesia so that the supply of rice to retail in the regions is guaranteed to run smoothly. Bey hopes that with the available availability, plus rice assistance from the government is expected to reduce rice prices, which are currently still high. It is hoped that with the continuous supply of rice, the availability of this main food is safe until at least Eid al-Fitr in 2024.
"The rice should have started to stabilize, the important thing is that rice reserves in Bulog are safe and there is no need to panic," he said.

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