Commissioner of the General Elections Commission (KPU) Betty Epsilon Idroos said his party would evaluate infrastructure to human resources (HR) of the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS) regarding data errors between C results uploaded to Sirekap with data at polling stations (TPS).

"The system will depend on humans very much, regardless of the type of information system used it will also depend on its users. Therefore, this is part of the KPU's evaluation," Betty said when met at the KPU building as reported by ANTARA, Monday, February 19.

He said that uploading data by officers at each TPS requires adequate infrastructure such as mobile phones or cellphones to fast internet networks.

The reason is, C data on these results must be photographed using the devices of each KPPS member. The photo is then inserted into the Sirekap site.

Sirekap is known to use optical sign recognition (OMR) technology and optical character recognition (OCR).

The technology makes it possible to recognize manual writing patterns and can be translated into numerics.

Thus, the figures in the form of writing can be directly converted into numerical data in Sirekap.

He explained that problems occurred when Sirekap's technology could not detect photos of number writing properly, resulting in differences in numerical data.

"We will see all forms of evaluation later in terms of technology, in terms of infrastructure, in terms of human users. What is certain is that the KPU's efforts are to convey that this must be carried out as transparently as possible," he said.

Currently, there are around 1.6 million KPPS owners of Sirekap accounts on duty at 800 thousand polling stations. He ensured that the evaluation would be carried out thoroughly for future system improvements.

Meanwhile, KPU member Idham Kholid said the calculation had been delayed because his party had synchronized the TPS data with data in Sirekap.

However, he ensured that the recapitulation process carried out by officers had been carried out in several major cities, including Jakarta.

"He said yesterday that the recapitulation in Jakarta was still ongoing and many areas took place and even yesterday there were 33 sub-districts that completed the recapitulation," he explained.

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