SULTRA - Kendari City Government (Pemkot) is working on a prosperous children's village (KAS) program to overcome the problem of stunting in the cote.

Acting Mayor of Kendari Muhammad Yusup said the formation of KAS was very important in the government's efforts to eradicate stunting in Kendari City.

Kampung anak sejahtera ini belum banyak di Indonesia dan Kota Kendari juga tidak mau kalah kalah demi mewujudkan generasi kita yang sehat terhindar dari stunting, kata Yusup di Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara (Sultra) Senin 19 Februari, disitat Antara.

According to him, talking about stunting is not only about children who have been born but also pays attention to the nutrition and health of pregnant women so that children who are in the womb remain under control.

"Later on, KAS will focus on carrying out various activities such as training, strengthening family roles, and local-based food management," he said.

In addition, he reminded that KAS is no longer the task of the Ministry of Health alone but all elements including the community also have a role in making it happen.

"I hope that all parties will be able to involve themselves in an effort to overcome the failure to grow up for our children in Kendari City," he said.

Meanwhile, Acting Head of the Office of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (DP3A) Fitriani Sinapoy said that with the presence of KAS, it would further affect the implementation of gender mainstreaming strategies in a more concrete and directed manner.

"Later on, KAS will strengthen the government's role in 4 aspects, namely, aspects of access, participation, control and benefits that will be carried out equally between women and men and ultimately contribute to the realization of gender justice and equality," said Fitriani Sinapoy.

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