JAKARTA - The Friendship Central General Hospital (RSUP), Jakarta is again handling two new patients who have tested positive for the corona virus or COVID-19. Patients with case codes 20 and 24 reportedly have just returned from Korea.

President Director of Friendship Hospital Rita Rogayah said, with the addition of two positive corona patients, now Friendship Hospital is treating seven patients. They were treated in the isolation room of the Pinere Building, Friendship Hospital Jakarta.

"We have treated this patient. The condition of these 2 patients, one has improved but the other is still complaining of shortness of breath," said Rita at the Friendship Hospital, Wednesday, March 11.

Rita continued, the first patient (case 20) was 70 years old and female. Meanwhile, the second patient (case 24) was 46 years old and male.

Based on the results of the examination, both of them were infected because they had just returned from Korea, as one of the countries infected with the corona (imported case). "So, they come for treatment during the incubation period," he said.

To date, Friendship Hospital has treated 16 patients who are placed in a special isolation room for handling Covid-19. Nine of the patients are under surveillance and seven are corona positive patients.

"This PDP patient is not a positive Covid-19 patient, so if the PDP laboratory result is negative, we will send the patient home," he explained.

Separately, the spokesman for the handling of COVID-19, Achmad Yurianto, said that the increase in the number of positive patients with the corona virus in Indonesia is classified as imported case. Cases that are classified as imported cases are generally aimed at patients who have just returned from abroad within 7 to 18 days.

"There were an additional 7 patients with an average condition that appeared to be mildly ill, except for number 30 and number 29 and all of them were imported cases," said Yurianto in his statement.

Even though it increased, Yurianto also explained that two patients who had been declared negative and had been allowed to go home by the Sulianti Saroso Infection Center Hospital (RSPI). Those who were discharged were patients with the identity of patient number 06 and patient number 14.

"While RSPI (Sulianti Saroso) has returned the treated case, which, as I said earlier, has been tested twice negative and has been allowed to return home," he said.

Previously reported, the spread of COVID-19 began to spread in Indonesia since the beginning of March. President Joko Widodo announced for the first time that two people had contracted the virus after coming into contact with a Japanese national from Malaysia, who was already infected with the coronavirus.

Both of them are still being treated at RSPI Sulianti Saroso and isolated in a special room. The first identified case was coded 01, initiating the spread of the corona virus in Indonesia.

Several other cases that were identified by the Ministry of Health's COVID-19 handling team were patients classified as imported case. In addition to the tracking case results from the first case of the spread of the corona virus at a dance event in Jakarta.

The following is the addition of corona patient data:

1. Patient with identity number 28. The sex is male, 37 years old, his condition appears to be mildly and moderately ill.

2. Patient with identity number 29. The sex is male, 51 years old, his condition appears to be moderately ill but not breathless.

3. Patient with identity number 30. The sex is male, 84 years old, appears to be moderately ill.

4. Patient with identity number 31. Female, 48 years old, seems mildly ill and has just arrived from abroad.

5. Patient with identity number 32. The sex is male, 45 years old, with moderate illness.

6. Patient with identity number 33. The sex is male, 29 years old, the condition appears to be mildly and moderately ill.

7. Patient with identity number 34. The gender is male, 42 years old, appears to be mildly ill.

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