JAKARTA - The Boyolali Regency Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) said three polling stations (TPS) in its area had to re-vote (PSU) for the 2024 General Election.
The three polling stations, namely TPS 16 Karanggeneng Boyolali City, TPS 02 Kedung Lengkong Simo District, and TPS 7 Mojologi District Teras.
The chairman of Bawaslu Boyolali Widodo said that the re-voting was carried out by the three polling stations because there was an increase in the number of voters from outside the region who did not take care of the introductory move vote or did not include the additional voter list (DPTb). However, they also cast their votes. In the legislation, it is mandatory for the PSU to do so.
"Three polling stations that have to carry out the PSU because it was found that there were voters from outside the area not with Boyolali ID cards, nor were they included in the DPTb list who used their voting rights at TPS 07 Mojologi Village, Teras District, there were two people from Tegal and Sukoharjo, at TPS 16 Karanggeneng Boyolali City there were four people and TPS 02 Kedung Lengkong, Simo District, seven people who voted from the Islamic boarding school, so they were recommended by the Twas supervisor to be carried out by PSU," said Widodo.
He said the mechanism for re-voting the results of the supervisor's findings was submitted to Kpps and then conveyed it to the PPS to the kpu. By analyzing whether to fulfill the elements carried out by the PSU or not. Yesterday's results were withdrawn and then sent for recommendations to the KPU for PSU.
He explained that the mechanism for implementing the PSU must be in accordance with statutory regulations, carried out no later than 10 days after the vote. Later, those who carry out friends from the kpu and Bawaslu will be in their supervisory stage.
"In that case, the addition of one person must be repeated because they do not have voting rights in that place," he said.
PSU tersebut di TPS 02 di Simo ada keambahan tujuh suara dan TPS 16 Karanggeneng Boyolali kota ada empat suara, dan TPS 07 di Teras ada dua suara atau pemilih itu, tidak mengurus pindah memilih sehingga tidak ada datanya, sehingga harus di PSU.
When it comes to the lack of ballots at Taps, it can be overcome by taking the stock of reserves at the nearest station. The results of discussions conducted by kpu, ppk and PPS, then followed up by shifting the nearest ballot and all have been fulfilled. This facilitates the voting process in the area.
However, the Boyolali Bawaslu results from supervision throughout Boyolali Regency related to voting activities up to the 2024 General Election counting in Boyolali on February 14 generally run smoothly and well.
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