JAKARTA - Former Deputy Chairman of Commission VIII DPR Ihsan Yunus refused to comment on his examination at the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). The PDIP policeman said everything had been conveyed to investigators.

"Assalamu'alaikum, good night to everyone. The point is I have explained everything to investigators," said Ihsan Yunus at the KPK building, Jakarta, Thursday, February 25 evening.

Likewise, when asked about the search in his private home and parents' homes, Ihsan refused to answer. He said, everything related to the case that ensnared Juliari Batubara had been submitted to KPK investigators.

"Yes, this is investigative material, so please ask the investigator," said Ihsan who was questioned by the KPK for eight hours.

The same thing was conveyed by Ihsan Yunus regarding the receipt of Brompont bicycles from Juliari Batubara's bribe, Harry Sidabuke. "Ask the investigators," said Ihsan Yunus.

Ihsan Yunus, in the case of bribery the procurement of social assistance is often mentioned. In fact, when the reconstruction was carried out, it was revealed that there was a provision of money amounting to Rp1.53 billion and two units of Brompton bicycles from the businessman who was the bribe, namely Harry Sidabuke through his operator Agustri Yogasmara.

Later, Yogas returned the two bicycles Harry had given to the KPK and investigators immediately carried out the reconstruction.

Ihsan Yunus, this PDIP politician, has been summoned by investigators to be questioned. However, he is absent and to date no recall has been addressed to him.

Not only that, yesterday the KPK searched Ihsan Yunus' house. Some time ago the residence of Ihsan's parents was also searched and his younger brother, Muhammad Rakyan Ikram, was also examined by the KPK because it was suspected that he knew about the distribution of rations and distribution of social assistance for COVID-19.

Previously reported, the KPK named a number of suspects in connection with the alleged corruption case of social assistance (bansos) food packages for the handling of COVID-19 in the Greater Jakarta area, including former Social Minister Juliari Batubara.

Apart from Juliari, the KPK also named four other suspects, namely the Commitment Making Officer at the Ministry of Social Affairs (PPK) MJS and AW as the recipient of the bribe and AIM and HS as the giver of the bribe.

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