Acting Governor of West Java Beyxi Machmudin recommended that there be mobile polling stations (TPS) for flood-affected residents in Sumedang Regency, West Java, channeling their voting rights in the February 14, 2024 elections.

The recommendation was conveyed because there were polling stations that were affected by the flood and had been transferred, one of which was to SD Negeri Kramatjaya which was very appropriate to hold a vote.

"The TPS at this elementary school is very feasible, but whether the people who are grieving because of this flood want to come here. With Mr. Pj. Regent Sumedang is looking for a solution whether it is possible to make a mobile TPS to pick up the ball," said Bey in Sumedang as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, February 13.

With the TPS around, KPP Sakan officers came to the houses of residents affected by the flood. "But later it will be agreed upon by the KPPS, KPU, Bawaslu, and other relevant agencies," he added.

Bey said that on Tuesday night there would be data on residents who could not come to the TPS.

Even though it was affected by the flood, he hopes that residents whose names are listed on the final voter list (DPT) of the 2024 General Election will channel their voting rights so that the voter participation rate remains high. In the 2019 election, Sumedang's voter participation rate reached 83 percent.

"We hope this year will increase or at least the same. So, I apologize, even though the community is grieving due to the flood disaster, we still urge you to choose because this determines the fate of the nation in the future," said Bey.

The acting Governor of West Java visited Leuwi Hamlet, Ujungjaya District, Sumedang Regency, after floods accompanied by mud hit two villages, namely Cipelang and Ujungjaya Villages due to the collapse of the Cipelang River on Sunday (12/2) evening.

It was recorded that 220 houses were flooded with a total of around 220 families or 700 people affected.

BeyMachmudin arrived in Ujungjaya Village accompanied by Acting Regent Sumedang Herman Suryatman. He immediately saw the condition of residents in refugee tents and handed over logistical assistance for the needs of affected residents and disaster funds submitted to the regent's acting regent.

"Earlier saw what the impact of the flood was and what was important was the solution in the future. This was repeated flooding, but yesterday the rainfall was high and the embankment broke so that the flood was up to three meters," said Bey.

He revealed that there are two solutions for flood management in the area, namely first, waiting for the construction of the Cariang Dam which is expected to be completed in 2027. The second solution is the relocation of residents.

Currently, the West Java Provincial Government is taking into account in terms of accountability because not a few houses have to be relocated. However, whatever solutions will be taken, the most important thing is the safety and health of the residents.

"For us, the most important thing is public safety and health because every year floods are not healthy either," he said.

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